Professional Studies Programme

Professional Studies Programme

As part of the course, all White Rose Alliance trainees participate in a comprehensive professional studies programme at King James´s School. Every Wednesday morning all WRA trainees, no matter which university course or subject, come together at King James´s School for a core part of their training.

The aim of the WRA Professional Studies programme is to underpin trainee development, addressing the minimum entitlement set out in the Initial Teacher Training Core Content Framework. Trainees will follow a programme to develop & extend their knowledge & skills. Each session is strategically scheduled to ensure maximum benefit to the trainees at the most appropriate points in their training. It is a wide ranging programme encompassing development of classroom skills & knowledge through to trainee well-being & future job success.

The programme utilises the wealth of knowledge, diversity, experience & skills of staff from across our partner schools & the trainees as a group get to experience a selection of different schools too through the school experience days built into the programme.

Not only do the weekly professional skills sessions support the development of the trainees & provide a sound foundation at the start of their professional careers, they are an essential opportunity for the trainees to come together & establish a peer support network, to discuss shared experiences & obtain advice & guidance from each other as well as WRA staff
